I recently moved thousands of miles away from anyone I know, so in case anyone has been wondering how my new life is, I drew these comics to try and explain. But first, a couple of skulls. Of course I've become one of those people that draws skulls. Now I'm only one step above those people who used to draw those 'S's on school desks everywhere. Seriously wasn't everything covered in those back in the early 2000's? You know the ones that look pseudo-graffiti'y', pointy tops and bottoms and the two ends of the 'S' connect behind the main diagonal in the middle? Knowing my luck that's gonna become retro or something and everyone's gonna start doing it again and I'm gonna be back on the bottom rung of the artistic ladder, artificially injecting symbolism into my pictures by pretending the skulls represent something dark and I'm misunderstood and have some intimate artist's relationship with death and even though you want to get to know me and show me that life can be so much more than the gloomy whirlwind of apathy I've turned it into, I'm really just gonna push you away with how boring and obnoxious I am and wind up really out of shape and alone watching tv and eating cheetos in my tiny flat until 4:00am every night for the rest of my stupid pointless life.

I already posted this but I added the red in here. As to why I felt I needed to post it before I finished it...
My second attempt for the tattoo. Still not right but better. Kind of.
My chess.com account name is 'corny2'. Because someone else who plays online chess chose 'corny' as their name. If anyone has any information regarding 'corny' on chess.com please contact me immediately.
But you already knew that, didn't you?
It's a party and I'm not invited.
If only this were real...